Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Here I am ten years into our marriage, not a perfect marriage but one that had been a very good one in deed. I just found out that my Husband is still in love with his first girlfriend ever...after much heart break on my end, I decided to consider taking her in as a second. NOW whoa that quick you might think? Well, not really the truth is my Husband has always talked about the idea of having a second wife, and as much as it pained me when I was younger I just laughed it off. Now, this is no laughing matter, he wants her and he wants me. I made the mistake of forcing a situation that did not need to be forced simply because I needed to know the "truth" and now I am stuck with the realization that my Husband wants this other person in his life forever. I need help from First Wives and their comments in how they dealt with this exact scenario or similar. How did you react when your husband starting making phone calls, getting phone calls, and in a sense court the second. Please do not respond if you are NOT a first wife. I am really interested in asking their truthfulness.

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